I am so truly fortunate to work with such a team of amazing people at my school.
Students and staff at Glenmore are actively working toward meeting the goal of raising $20,000 to buy the van for the Niteo Kids Mobile Resource Center.
At Christmas, the intermediate students sold tickets to the dress rehearsal of their Charlie Brown Christmas play to other students in the district and they raised $1600. This past Tuesday, they once again performed but this time they sang and shared their individual talents with the community. Around 600 people attended the benefit concert and $1300 was raised in donations at the door and in a raffle with prizes generously donated by members of the community.
Leading up to the concert, students were given a pledge sheet. The idea was that they could give something up in order to put that money towards bringing books to schools in Uganda. "Giving up something we want in order to provide something others need" as Rhonda, our amazing music teacher, put it. Students raised $9,000.00 with these pledges. Madison, a grade 5 student, wrote a song and is still collecting money for Niteo. Here is a link through the local radio station that actually played the song and promoted our event: Madi's song
So the children at Glenmore have raised about $12,000.00! What an amazing bunch of kids with a huge amount of talent and big hearts.
Thank you students at Glenmore. You are truly amazing.
Thank you Rhonda for having such a passion for this project and for pushing forward to make this a reality. You are awesome.