Wow! How amazing is it to be planning another trip to Uganda already?
Karine and I are excited about the two teams we are taking next year: one is inter-generational and the other is inter-disciplinary. I will be staying with both teams so I'll be gone from July 16th to August 18th or even longer if I can manage to have some time on my own to visit while I am there. My days are so full with the teams that I need extra days to get to do anything extra there.
This year will bring new opportunities as well. Karine and I will travel to the North to check out where we can establish another resource centre with the next crate of books that will hopefully travel in the spring of 2010. There is such a need for resources in this war-torn area that we hope to get books into the hands of the teachers and students there are quickly as we can. I am also hoping to make a trip into Rwanda with Denis who is our safari organizer. While the second team goes to Paraa, I will travel with him to see this beautiful country. He is very excited about sharing this experience with me.
I also want to get to know Sally more this time. She runs a home for street girls and has an "adopt-a-daughter" program that connects western supporters with one of her girls. The idea is that the westerner helps support the girl to get her through school. A year's worth of full support including school, lodging and food is about $2500. She relies solely on donations. A westerner can also just sponsor schooling for a daughter which is about $1200 per year. Maybe we could adopt a daughter at school next year. There is one girl named Rose who is only 8 years old and who has already experienced more than anyone ever should. Anyone interested in helping her complete her studies?
So there it is! Another exciting year in store. Corey won't make it to Uganda in 2010 because he can't get a chunk of time off again but maybe in 2011.
If you'd like to join me in Uganda this summer or if you'd like to know more or if you'd like to support Niteo, please let me know! I can talk your ear off about it!