My first thing is to recommend a book that I read about Rwanda: A Sunday at the Pool In Kigali by Gil Courtemanche

Brutal yet beautiful. Not to be missed.
I travelled in Rwanda for 3 days in July 2010 and it was such a beautiful country. If you only ever visited Rwanda and stayed in the touristy areas, you would wonder what the hype about the problems in Africa are all about. The roads are perfect, the air is clean, there is no garbage anywhere and the cost of living is very high (similar to here actually).
Rwanda is full of oxymorons...
- free and democratic apart from the government controlling the press
- in peace apart from people still referring to each other as Tutsis and Hutus instead of just Rwandans
- rich apart from the 60% living below the poverty line that you don't see because they are inland away from the main roads

We visited the genocide memorial in Kigali as well as another site in a small town that was a church where 5000 were slaughtered.

There is a haunting that hangs in the air; a quiet hush that always made the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.