It is very hard to leave those babies behind. I had one little angel that I wanted to keep in 2009 named Solomon and he was just gorgeous. Every time I returned to Sanyu during that trip I would seek him out and carry him with me. Big eyes, calm, gentle, just go with the flow. He would have settled in nicely with the cats... But of course adopting from Uganda isn't possible (well, it is but it's a long and very expensive road) and we are not really open for adoptions. Anyway, Solomon had been adopted the next year when I went back which was a relief and a disappointment. I don't know if I could have left him twice. Adopted by a Catholic priest. That make me sad on a whole different level.
The way I deal with it is that I connect with the older students and stay in contact with them. Corey and I are sponsoring a boy attending secondary school and there's an orphan girl that I will talk to about going to secondary school as well. Corey and I have talked about us being her "parents" if she went to boarding school and we are living in Uganda. Who knows if that will happen but it's things like that that keep me going.
This is all why it's so incredibly hard for me to come home. I always curl up into a little ball and rage for my first week back in Canada. I hate it back here after my time there. Takes a while for me to close that little part of my heart and keep living in our overindulgent society. Poor Corey has to deal with a blubbering and angry mess for a week and then I start to become human again.
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