Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

And thank you again.
I am overwhelmed by the generosity of my family and friends who have contributed towards this project. Without you, it would not be possible for me to go. Not only have I met my cash goal of $2500, I have raised more to be able to buy art supplies and shade tents for the resource center. Thank you also for the donations of suitcases, towels, books, and toiletries. They will all go to good use. Merci! Xie Xie! Thanks! (Only a month before we go! WOW!)


Bloggy Mama said...

Congrats Erika!!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome to be participating in this project.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Just be careful out there :)

shelley said...

Hi Erika,

Hey, I'm not sure when you are leaving... perhaps you've gone already, but I have 3 suitcases/large backpacks for you to take, if you still need them. Call 861-1174.
