Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sanyu Babies Home Report

Volunteers with Niteo (who have not been working in schools) have spent a lot of time at Sanyu, a special orphanage in Kampala for abandoned babies.

When I visited Sanyu my first time, I was unable to stay inside the building. I was so overwhelmed. Everything that was 'wrong' with Uganda was in a concentrated form at Sanyu: AIDS, poverty, rape, abandonment, loss of hope... It was truly heartbreaking.

I forced myself to return the second year and shifted my perception. Yes these babies came from the worst conditions and represented everything that was wrong with humanity (how can you leave a baby in a latrine in the hopes it'll drown?) but Sanyu works so hard to give these babies hope and a good future.

The babies come from a terrible past but that past does not define their future.

I share with you the June newsletter about what has been happening at Sanyu. It's screen shots of the pages so hopefully you can read the reports. I'd you want the full newsletter, email me and I'll forward it on to you.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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