Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Family, Friends, Food and the Famous

We are less than 15 hours from starting our adventure in Uganda... yay and OMG! I can't believe that we are finally on the cusp of this new life experience. It will be amazing, I know, but it is still nerve-wracking!

Corey had the brilliant idea of spending a few days in London before heading to Uganda and it was well worth the stress of needing to pack our home and my class like a mad-woman in June in exchange for leaving Kelowna on July 2nd. Most people responded with "Oh my! That's fast." when I told them our departure date. Never mind, it has been well worth it.

We had a lovely visit with my cousins, Dianne, Ken and their daughter Laura who opened their home in Slough to us. From here we were able to walk to Windsor Castle and the trains were an easy walk away to get to everywhere we wanted to go.

And walk we did! I am used to walking but my legs are a bit stiff after our hikes all around Windsor, London and Kew Gardens. I would say we did a good 20km per day.

U. John and A. Pat drove down from Mansfield to spend 24 hours with us which was great. We visited and ate and ate some more. Yummy lunch at the Pineapple and traditional fish and chips with mushy peas for dinner. Lucky for us that we walked so much.

It had been close to 20 years since I saw Judy, my bestest from 1991-92 when we both lived in Quebec as ESL "teachers" on the Gaspe peninsula. We had lunch in London and then afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason's. It was like we had seen each other the week before... some friends are like that aren't they.

Food: lamb, afternoon tea, bangers and mash, fish and chips with mushy peas, bubble and squeak, treacle pie, treacle toffee, curry, ales but NO sticky toffee pudding. We may find that at the airport.

As for the famous... Queen Victoria, King Henry VIII, Churchill, Darwin, Handel, Shakespeare, Newton, King George III, Grommit...

Now we move on to the next adventure. Not so many of the Famous, a few Family (Mum is coming in March, I have a god-daughter that I have not met yet, and many adoptive relatives), but lots of Friends. We will be well cared for. And we never have a problem with food!

Next post will be from the Equator. WOW!

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